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Présentations invitées en conférences et institutions
Interprétabilité de l'I.A., séminaire au château de Brest, Brest, Décember 2023
Radiomics: state of the art and perspectives, EANM annual meeting, Vienna, September 2023
Explainable A.I. for nuclear medicine physicians and radiologists, AINM meeting, Groningen, October 2023
Radiomique : de la preuve de concept à la réalité : Introduction de la méthodologie, Session FLI-CERF "Nouvelles approches en onco-imagerie : Analyse de données et IA", Journées francophones de radiologie diagnostique et interventionnelle, Paris, Octobre 2022
Radiomique en oncologie : l'intégration de données multimodales pour les modèles prédictifs, Session "santé du futur", Séminaire de la recherche, Rennes, Juillet 2022
AI Recognition and Contouring in MSK Molecular Imaging, Advanced Analysis in MSK Imaging - Back to the Future, EANM virtual multidisciplinary days, June 2022
Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence, Neuroimaging & Artificial Intelligence - A Game-Changer?, EANM virtual multidisciplinary days, June 2022
Artificial intelligence in medical imaging for oncology: radiomics, origins and perspectives, séminaire BSAM, Brest, Décembre 2021
Predictive modeling in radiomics: from classical machine learning to deep learning, perspectives and challenges, Joint symposium Artificial intelligence for image processing and quantification, EANM annual meeting - Online, Octobre 2021
Radiomics for Nuclear Medicine, 3rd European Congress of Medical Physics - Virtual Edition - Turin, Juin 19, 2021
Radiomics and Nuclear Medicine: the basis for understanding its value and a revision of literature, Corso webinar of Instituto Europeo di Oncologia, "La radiomica", Milano, 13 Novembre 2020
Standardization and Harmonisation for Radiomics AnalysisQuantification and Standardisation in Clinical and Preclinical Molecular Imaging, annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, évènement en distanciel, Octobre 2020
Recent Advances in Radiomics, Cutting Edge Science Track - Featured Session: Radiomics, annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, évènement en distanciel, Octobre 2020
Radiomics and Nuclear Medicine: the basis for understanding its value and a revision of literature, CME session Radiomics in a Preclinical and a Clinical setting, annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, évènement en distanciel, Octobre 2020
Radiomics, SFRO, session "IA dans notre quotidien", évènement en distanciel, Octobre 2020
Incertitudes en radiomique25ème journées de radiothérapie, Lille, France, Janvier 2020
Radiomics and medical imaging: history and perspectivesséminaire du LMBA UMR CNRS 6205, Brest, France, Novembre 2019
Functional  volume segmentation - state of the art, Pre-Congress Symposium - Advances in Image Processing Techniquesannual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Barcelone, Espagne, Octobre 2019
Application of data science techniques to imaging for cancer diagnosis, launch event of the STFC Cancer Diagnosis Network+, Liverpool, UK, Septembre 2019
Radiomics harmonization in radiation oncologyInternational Conference on the use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, Montreal, Canada, Juin 2019
Radiomique et I.A., défis et solutions méthodologiques, 14e journée scientifique annuelle du réseau vectorisation, imagerie, radiothérapies, Rennes, France, Mai 2019
Uncertainties in RadiomicsEuropean SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, Milan, Italie, Avril 2019
Radiomique et I.A., historique, défis et perspectives, Séminaire de l'UMR 1030, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris, France, April 2019
Radiomique et I.A., historique et perspectives, Congrès National de l'Imagerie du Vivant, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière, Paris, France, Février 2019
Approcher l’hétérogénéité tumorale en imagerie : Radiomique et modèles prédictifs, résultats et perspectives, journée scientifique "hétérogénéité tumorale", réunion d’automne de la Société Française de lutte contre les Cancers et les leucémies de l’Enfant et de l’adolescent, Institut Curie, Paris, France, Novembre 2018
Basic Principles of Radiomics in Multimodality Imaging, Symposium Physics: Radiomics - Image Derived Parameters in Multimodality Imaging, annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Dusseldorf, Allemagne, Octobre 2018
Radiomics for response prediction in radiation oncology, Symposium Translational Molecular Imaging & Therapy: The Role of Molecular Imaging in Radiation Oncology, annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Dusseldorf, Allemagne, Octobre 2018
The pitfalls of radiomics and machine learning analysis (and solutions thereof) for predictive modeling in oncology, seminaire à l'Université de Gand, Belgique, Octobre 2018
The pitfalls of radiomics and machine learning analysis (and solutions thereof) in multimodal imaging, Symposium Precision Medicine for Brain-associated Disease, second Sino-German Symposium, Munich, Allemagne, Septembre 2018
Modélisation prédictive en oncologie par approches d'apprentissage automatique et radiomique, 12èmes Journées du Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, Nantes, France, Juillet 2018
The pitfalls of radiomics analysis (and solutions thereof) in PET imaging , Symposium Radiomics and Machine Learning Methods and Applications in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Philadelphia, USA, Juin 2018
Machine learning for radiomics and outcome modeling, Symposium Applications of machine learning in radiation oncology, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, Barcelone, Espagne, Avril 2018
Radiomique pour la construction de modèles prédictifs et pronostiques, état de l’art et perspectives , Workshop Analyse d’images médicales multi-modales (FLI WP4), Paris, France, Mars 2018
Radiomics for cancer outcome modeling: image analysis and machine learning challenges, Workshop predictive radiology in precision medicine, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV), Lausanne, Suisse, Novembre 2017
State-of-the-art of current PET-AS algorithms and their advantages and limitations for clinical application, educational session "PET auto-segmentation: review and evaluation strategies - insights from AAPM Task Group No. 211", 30th Annual Meeting of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, Vienne, Autriche, Octobre 2017
Radiomics in PET/CT: state-of-the-art and future developments, Journées scientifiques de la SFPM, Lyon, France, Juin 2017
The Pitfalls of Radiogenomics Analysis (and Solutions Thereof) in PET/CT Imaging, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, continuous education session “Radiogenomics in multimodal imaging”, Denver, USA, Juin 2017
Report by the AAPM TG211 on evaluating PET segmentation algorithms: results and recommendations, Software session, XIV Turku PET symposium, Turku, Finlande, Mai 2017
Définition des volumes métaboliques et radiomics sur les images TEP/TDM : aspects méthodologiques, promesses et limites, Journées françaises de médecine nucléaire, Nantes, France, Mai 2017
Building prognostic and predictive models based on PET/CT and PET/MR shape and heterogeneity metrics, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, continuous education session “Towards Enhanced Prognostic Utility of PET Imaging”, San Diego, USA, Juin 2016.
PET/CT image processing and analysis for quantitative metrics extraction and clinical applications, Seminaire au CHU de Caen et unité INSERM UMR 1199 BioTICLA, Caen, France, Mai 2016.
PET/CT heterogeneity quantification through texture analysis: potential role for prognostic and predictive models, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, symposium on “Radiomics - the future of radiotherapy”, Turin, Italie, Mai 2016.
Peut-on améliorer la prise en charge des patients atteints de cancers grâce à une meilleure exploitation des images médicales?, Conférences IBSAM, Brest, France, Avril 2016
Segmentation et caractérisation des tumeurs en imagerie TEP/TDM : 10 ans d'apports des méthodes statistiques, Journée GDR sur l'apprentissage statistique et applications biomédicales, Paris, France, Décembre 2015
Tumor treatment response assessment using PET/CT, American Society for Radiation Oncology annual meeting, educational session “Imaging for treatment response assessment”, San Antonio, USA, Octobre 2015.
Traitement et analyse d’images TEP/TDM pour l’oncologie et la radiothérapie : méthodes, résultats, perspectives,Séminaire du laboratoire iCube, Strasbourg, France, Mai 2015
Characterization of tumors using quantitative features from PET/CT imaging: methods, results, challenges, Séminaire à l'University College of London, London, UK, Avril 2015
Caractérisation morpho-fonctionnelle des tumeurs en oncologie à partir d’imagerie multimodale, Séminaire du Canceropole Grand Est, Strasbourg, France, Mars 2015
Multimodality image derived tumor characterization, European molecular imaging meeting, educational session "Multi-modality and hybrid imaging equipment", Tübingen, Allemagne, Mars 2015
From multispectral images of nebulae to multimodal PET/CT images of tumors: a young researcher’s journey, Bruce Hasegawa Young Investigator Medical Imaging Science Award acceptance speech - IEEE NSS-MIC, Seattle, USA, Novembre 2014
Quantification et caractérisation des tumeurs en imagerie TEP : défis et solutions, Séminaire mensuel de l'UMR 6301 CNRS ISTCT, Caen, France, Février 2014.
Tumor functional characterization and quantification9th International Conference on Dose, Time and Fractionation in Radiation Oncology – From Hyper to Hypo Fractionation in Radiation Oncology, Madison, USA, Septembre 2013.
PET/CT image derived features for response to therapy monitoring: review and perspectives, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, imaging symposium “Multi modal PET/CT imaging for therapy response early prediction and therapy monitoring”, Indianapolis, USA, Août 2013..
PET images processing and analysis for oncology and radiotherapy applications: pitfalls, methods and results, seminar in MAASTRO, imaging and radiotherapy research department, Maastricht, the Netherlands, Novembre 2011.
PET image derived indices for therapy monitoring applications: what may the future hold?, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, continuous education session “PET image derived indices for therapy response and outcome prediction studies”, San Antonio, USA, Juin 2011.
Validation of tumor delineation algorithms dedicated to PET imaging, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, continuous education session “PET tumour functional volume quantification”, Salt Lake City, USA, Juin 2010.
Accuracy and robustness study of an automatic tumour delineation method in positron emission tomography for oncology applications, Seminar in Hammersmith Hospital Imperial College, London, Novembre 2009.
Définition du volume cible métabolique en TEP/TDM: aspects méthodologiques, Séminaire au CHU de Liège, Juin 2009.
Segmentation of functional volumes in PET/CT, Quantitative imaging and dosimetry in Nuclear Medicine, Berder island, Octobre 2006.

Communications orales et posters en congrès
N. Abdallah, et al. Deep Learning-Based Outcome Prediction Using Harmonized CT Images for Head and Neck Cancer Patients: A Novel Approach with Attention and DeepHitSingleIEEE NSS-MIC 2023
N. Abdallah, et al. Improving Outcome Prediction in Multicentric Data: Novel Harmonization Techniques and MCA-Based Imputation for Radiomic Feature Analysis, EANM 2023
N. Abdallah, et al. Improving Outcome Prediction in Multicentric Data: Novel harmonization and clustering Techniques for Radiomic Feature Analysis EANM 2023
N. Abdallah, et al. Predicting progression-free survival from FDG PET/CT images in head and neck cancer : comparison of different pipelines and harmonization strategies in the HECKTOR 2021 challenge datasetIEEE NSS-MIC 2022
W. Marchadour, et al. Comparison of attribution maps method for interpretability of deep neural networks in the context of computed tomography images classificationIEEE NSS-MIC 2022
H. Xu, et al. Radiomics prognostic modeling in multi-center head and neck tumor PET/CT imaging of HECKTOR challenge 2021RITS 2022
W. Marchadour, et al. Comparison of interpretability methods in the context of deep neural networks for radiomics application, RITS 2022
H. Xu, et al. Comparison of progressive ComBat for harmonization of radiomics features in multi-center head and neck tumor FDG PET/CT dataset from HECKTOR Challenge 2021SNMMI 2022
H. Xu, et al.  Impact of intra-tumoral, peri-tumoral, and annular-tumoral radiomic features on prognostic modeling in multi-center head and neck tumor PET/CT imaging of HECKTOR challenge 2021, SNMMI 2022
W. Marchadour, et al. Comparison of interpretability methods in the context of deep neural networks for radiomics applicationSNMMI 2022
W. Marchadour, et al. Evaluation of importance estimators in deep learning classifiers for Computed Tomography, EXTRAAMAS 2022
R. Da-ano, et al. Comparison of multicentre harmonization strategies: ComBat harmonization vs. pre-selection based on robustness, EANM 2021 (top rated abstract)
A. Iantsen, et al. Fully Automated Detection and Segmentation of Hypermetabolic Lesions in Pretherapeutic [18F]FDG PET / CT Images of Lymphoma and Sarcoidosis Patients, EANM 2021 (top rated abstract)
F. Tixier, et al. MIRAS: an end-to-end solution with a graphical user interface for radiomics, EANM 2021 (top rated abstract)
R. Da-ano, et al. Pre-selecting radiomic features based on their robustness to changes in imaging properties of multicentre data: impact on predictive modelling performance compared to ComBat harmonization of all available features, SNMMI 2021 (young investigator award symposium)
A. Iantsen, V. Jaouen, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Squeeze-and-Excitation Normalization for Automated Delineation of Head and Neck Primary Tumors in Combined PET and CT Images, MICCAI Hecktor challenge, 2020
A. Iantsen, V. Jaouen, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, SE Normalization for Brain Tumor Segmentation, International MICCAI Brainlesion Workshop, 2020
R. Da-ano, F. Lucia, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, P. Robin, J. Alfieri, C. Rousseau, O. Pradier, U. Schick, D. Visvikis, M. HattMulti-center validation of radiomic models in new data using ComBat-based harmonization of features: a transfer learning approachIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2020
R. Da-ano, F. Lucia, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, P. Robin, J. Alfieri, C. Rousseau, O. Pradier, U. Schick, D. Visvikis, M. HattA transfer learning approach to facilitate ComBat-based harmonization of multicentre radiomic features in new datasetsAnnual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2020
S. Sanduleanu, A. Jochems, T. Upadhaya, A. J.G. Even,  R. T.H. Leijenaar, F. J.W.M. Dankers, R. Klaassen, H. C. Woodruff, M Hatt, H. J.A.M. Kaanders, O. Hamming-Vrieze, H. W.M. van Laarhoven, R. M. Subramiam, S. H. Huang, B. O'Sullivan, S. V. Bratman, L. J. Dubois, R. L. Miclea, D. Di Perri, X. Geets, M. Crispin-Ortuzar, A. Apte, J. O. Deasy, J. Hun Oh,  N. Y. Lee, J. L. Humm, H. Schöder, D. De Ruysscher, F. Hoebers, P. Lambin, Non-invasive radiomic imaging prediction  of tumor hypoxia: a potential biomarker for FLASH irradiation?, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
MD. Ibrahim, J. Castelli, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Acosta, D. Visvikis, R. De Crevoisier, M. Hatt, Deep CNN on PET/CT images for NSCLC automated tumor detection and outcome prediction, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
I. Masson, R. Da-ano, F. Lucia, M. Doré, J. Castelli, C. Goislard de Monsabert, J.F. Ramée, S. Sellami, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, U. Schick. Development of a CT based radiomic model predictive of non-response to chemotherapy in larynx cancer, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
V. Bourbonne, F. Lucia, G. Dissaux, J. Bert, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, M. Hatt, U. Schick. Pulmonary toxicity in lung cancer treated by (chemo)-radiotherapy : a radiomics-based NTCP., European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
G. Dissaux, MD. Ibrahim, F. Lucia, V. Bourbonne, N. Boussion, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, A. Valeri, J. Bert, M. Hatt, U. Schick. Rectal toxicity prostate cancer treated with Brachytherapy: a radiomics-machine learning based NTCP, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
F. Lucia, V. Bourbonne, G. Dissaux, O. Miranda, G. Dissaux, U. Schick, D. Visvikis, J. Bert, M. Hatt, R. Abgral, Radiomics applied to dose distributions to predict toxicity after radiotherapy in cervical cancer , European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
F. Lucia, D. Visvikis, V. Bourbonne, J. Bert, R. Abgral, G. Dissaux, O. Miranda, O. Pradier, M. Hatt, U. Schick, Suboptimal dosimetric coverage of PET/CT hotspots is associated with recurrence for cervical cancer, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
E. Mylona, F. Filias, MD Ibrahim, S. Supiot, G. Creange, N. Magne, M. Hatt, O. Acosta, R. De Crevoisier, Machine Learning and Oversampling techniques to predict urinary toxicity after prostate cancer RT, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
MD. Ibrahim, E. Mylona, N. Boussion, O. Acosta, R. De Crevoisier, M. Hatt, Machine learning methods to predict rectal bleeding after prostate cancer radiotherapy, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2020
M. Hatt, S. Sepehri, T. Upadhaya, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le RestConsensus of machine learning pipelines for outcome prediction relying on clinical and radiomics features from 18F-FDG PET/CT images in non-small cell lung cancer, Annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2019
A. Iantsen, F. Lucia, M. Ferreira, P. Bonaffini, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, P. Lovinfosse, R. Hustinx, M. De Cuypere, F. Kridelka, U. Schick, D. Visvikis, M. HattAutomated Cervical Primary Tumor Functional Volume Segmentation in PET Images, Annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2019
R. Da-ano, F. Lucia, M. Vallières, P. Bonaffini, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, U. Schick, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Harmonization strategies based on ComBat for mutlicentric radiomics studies, Annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2019
E. Solari, A. Gafita, B. Laurent, T. Amiel, R. Tauber, D. Visvikis, W. Weber, M. Eiber, M. Hatt, S. G. Nekolla, Preliminary evaluation of PSMA PET/MR radiomics for primary staging in patients with prostate cancer, Annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2019
MD. Ibrahim, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, M. Hatt, Relying on deep convolutional neural networks on PET/CT images for stage II and III non-small cell lung cancer outcome prediction, Annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2019
A. Iantsen, V. Jaouen, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Encoder-Decoder Network for Brain Tumor Segmentation on Multi-sequence MRI, MICCAI 2019 Brainlesion: Glioma, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke and Traumatic Brain Injuries. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11993. Springer, Cham, 2019
S. Sepehri, T. Upadhaya, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le RestM. Hatt, Fusion of machine learning algorithms for building prognostic models in non-small cell lung cancer using clinical and radiomics features from 18F-FDG PET/CT images, GRETSI, 2019
G. Dissaux, M. Hatt, D. Visvkis, O. Pradier, E. Chajon, I. Barrilot, L. Duverge, I. Masson, R. Abgral, M. Santiago-Ribeiro, A. Devillers, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, M. Mahé, R. De Crevoisier, U. Schick, PET/CT Radiomics predict local recurrence in patients treated with SBRT for early-stage NSCLC, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2019
S. Sellami, D. Bouzid, M. Hatt, D. Visvkis, F. Lucia, O. Pradier, M. Hatt, U. Schick, Predictive response to radiotherapy of head and neck cancer using radiomics analyses of CBCT, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2019
F. Lucia, D. Visvkis, M. Vallières, D. Visvikis, M-C. Desseroit, O. Miranda, P. Robin, P. A. Bonaffini, J. Alfieri, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, O. Pradier, M. Hatt, U. Schick, Validation of a combined PET and MRI radiomics model for prediction of recurrence in cervical cancer, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2019
V. Bourbonne, M. Vallières, F. Lucia, G. Fournier, A. Valéri, D. Visvikis, V. Tissot, O. Pradier, M. HattU. Schick, MRI-derived radiomics to select patients with high-risk prostate cancer for adjuvant radiotherapyEuropean SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2019
S. Sanduleanu, A. Jochems, T. Upadhaya, A. Even, R. Leijenaar, F. Dankers, R. Klaassen, H. Woodruff, M. Hatt, H. Kaanders, O. Hamming-Vrieze, H. Van Laarhoven, R. Subramiam, S. Huang, B. O'Sullivan, S. Bratman, L. Dubois, R. Miclea, D. Di Perri, X. Geets, D. De Ruysscher, F. Hoebers, P. Lambin, Non-invasive imaging for tumor hypoxia: a novel validated CT and FDG-PET-based Radiomic signature, European SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2019
F. Lucia, M. Vallières, D. Visvikis, O. Miranda, P. Robin, P. A. Bonaffini, J. Alfieri, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, O. Pradier, U. Schick, M. HattPrédiction de la récidive et du contrôle local dans le cancer du col de l'utérus par modélisation radiomique: développement et validation externe, Congrès national d'imagerie du vivant, 2019
S. Sepehri, T. Upadhaya, M-C. Desseroit, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest,  M. HattComparison of machine learning algorithms, and pre-processing, for building prognostic models in non-small cell lung cancer using clinical and radiomics features from 18F-FDG PET/CT images, Annual congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2018
V. Jaouen, L. Gaubert, J. Bert, M. Hatt, D. VisvikisImage Filtering with Advectors, 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2018
M. Vallières, A. Chatterjee, F. Lucia, V. Bourbonne, P. Bonaffini, I. Masson, A. Mervoyer, C. Reinhold, D. Visvikis, U. Schick, J. Seuntjens, O. Morin, M. HattInvestigating the complementarity of radiomics and clinical information for predicting treatment failure in multiple cancer types, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, 2018
M. Hatt, M. Vallières, A. ZwanenburgIBSI: an international community radiomics standardization initiative, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2018
S. Sepehri, T. Upadhaya, M-C. Desseroit, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest,  M. HattComparison of machine learning algorithms for building prognostic models in non-small cell lung cancer using clinical and radiomics features from 18F-FDG PET/CT images, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2018
M. Vallières, D. Visvikis, M. HattDependency of a validated radiomics signature on tumour volume and potential corrections, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2018
M.Hatt, M-C. Desseroit, B. Laurent, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Revisiting the identification of tumor sub-volumes predictive of residual uptake after (chemo)radiotherapy: comparison of segmentation methods on 18F-FDG PET/CT images, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2018
M. Hatt, B. Laurent, H. Fayad, V. Jaouen, D. Visvikis, Dependency of tumor functional sphericity on PET delineation methodIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2017
T. Upadhaya, G. Disseaux, P-J. Le Reste, U. Schick, M. Hatt. Multimodal MRI-derived radiomics for GBM prognostic model: comparison of machine learning algorithms for overall and progression free survival, 2ème congrès national d'imagerie du vivant, 2017
F. Lucia, D. Visvikis, M-C. Desseroit, O. Miranda, P. Robin, O. Pradier, U. Schick, M. HattPrediction of outcome using pretreatment 18F-FDG PET/CT and multimodal MRI radiomics in locally advanced cervical cancer treated with chemoradiotherapy, 2ème congrès national d'imagerie du vivant, 2017
M. Hatt, B. Laurent, H. Fayad, V. Jaouen, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le RestTumor functional sphericity from PET images: prognostic value in NSCLC and impact of delineation method, 2ème congrès national d'imagerie du vivant, 2017
S. Sanduleanu, T. Upadhaya, A.J.G. Even, A. Jochems, R.T.H. Leijenaar, F. Dankers, M. Hatt, J.H.A.M. Kaanders, P. Lambin, Non-invasive imaging for tumor hypoxia: a novel externally validated CT-based radiomics signature, The 15th Acta Oncologica conference on biology-guided adaptive radiotherapy, 2017
M-C. Desseroit, F. Tixier, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest,  M. HattProspective validation of Support Vector Machine based prognostic models exploiting combined PET and CT Radiomics features for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: impact of image discretization in texture calculations, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2017
F. Legot, M. Hadzic, F. Tixier, R. Perdrisot, M-CT. Desseroit, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le RestIdentification of recurrence sites using initial PET/CT in head and neck cancer treated by radio-chemotherapy, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2017
M. Hadzic, F. Tixier, M-CT. Desseroit, F. Legot, C. Lamour, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest. PET/CT to predict local recurrence sites or residual disease in non small cell lung cancer treated with radiotherapy, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2017
M. Hadzic, F. Tixier, L. Parquet, F. Legot, X. Dufour, A. Beby Defaux, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le RestInitial PET/CT and expression of P16 (INK4) and human papillomavirus in locally advanced head and neck cancer treated by radiochemotherapy, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2017
Image Biomarker Standardisation Initiative (IBSI), Multicenter initative for standardisation of image biomarkersEuropean SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2017
F. Lucia, M-C. Desseroit, O. Miranda, D. Visvikis, JP. Malhaire, P. Robin, O. Pradiert,  U. Schick*, M. Hatt*, Prediction of local recurrence using pretreatment 18FDG PET/CT radiomics features in locally advanced cervical cancer treated with chemoradiotherapyEuropean SocieTy for Radiotherapy & Oncology annual meeting, 2017
M-C. Desseroit, F. Tixier, R. Perdrisot, R. Guillevin, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest,  M. Hatt, Comparison of three quantization methods for the calculation of textural features in PET/CT images: impact on prognostic models in Non-Small Cell Lung CancerIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2016
T. Upadhaya, Y. Morvan, E. Stindel, P-J. Le Reste, M. Hatt, Multimodal MRI Radiomics in GBM: a Comparative Investigation of Feature Selection and Classification Techniques for Prognostic ModelsIncluding Robustness Assessment IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2016
A. Ouahabi, V. Jaouen, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, H. Fayad, Ant colony segmentation approach for volume delineation in PETIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2016
V. Jaouen, M. Hatt, H. Fayad, C. Tauber, D. Visvikis, Gradient-aided localized deformable model for PET image segmentationIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2016
M. Hatt, Repeatability, robustness and reproducibility of radiomics features in routine PET/CT images: a way towards features selection for building multiparametric models, Radiomics meeting 2016
A. Fargeas, O. Acosta, J-D. Ospina Arrango, A. ferhat, G. Dréan, N. Costet, L. Albera, D. Azria, P. Fenoglietto, G. Créhange, M. Hatt, A. Kachenoura, R. de Crevoisier, Nouvelle méthode basée sur l’analyse en composantes indépendantes hautement prédictive de toxicité en cas de radiothérapie prostatique, Société Française de Radiothérapie et Oncologie, 2016
M-C. Desseroit, F. Tixier, M. Majdoub, W.A. Weber, B.A. Siegel, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Reliability of PET/CT radiomics features in functional and morphological components of NSCLC lesions: a repeatability analysis in a prospective a multicenter cohort, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, 2016
W. Grootjans, E.A. Usmanij, W.J.G. Oyen, E.H.F.M. van der Heijden, E.P. Visser, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, J. Bussink, L-F de Geus-OeiPerformance of semi-automatic image segmentation algorithms for measurement of early treatment response using 18F-PET/CT in patients with locally advanced NSCLC during concomitant chemo-radiotherapy, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2016
M-C. Desseroit, F. Tixier, R. Perdrisot, R. Guillevin, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest,  M. HattNomogram for NSCLC exploiting clinical staging, tumor volume and PET/CT heterogeneity features: development using support vector machines in a retrospective cohort and first validation results in prospectively recruited patients, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2016
M-C. Desseroit, D. Visvikis, F. Tixier, M. Majdoub, R. Perdrisot, R. Guillevin, C. Cheze Le Rest, M. HattImproving lung cancer patients stratification using a Radiomics approach applied to routine FDG PET/CT imagesCongrès national d'imagerie du vivant, 2016
T. Upadhaya, Y. Morvan, E. Stindel, P-J. Le Reste, M. HattPrognosis classification in glioblastoma multiforme using multimodal MRI derived heterogeneity textural features: impact of pre-processing choices, SPIE Medical Imaging 2016
M.-C. Desseroit, C. Cheze Le Rest, R. Perdrisot, R. Guillevin, D. Visvikis, M. HattImproving the Identification of Tumor Sub-Volumes Associated with Residual Disease after (chemo)radiotherapy Through Automatic Segmentation of 18F-FDG PET/CT ImagesIEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2015
P. Tremolières, A. Paumier, G.Peyraga, P.Gustin, S.Krhili, T. Lizée, A. Marquis, D.Rousseau, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Comparaison du GTV défini manuellement sur la TDM au volume tumoral métabolique segmenté automatiquement sur la TEP au 18-FDG dans le cancer de l’œsophage localisé, 26e Congrès national de la Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO) 2015
L. Fanchon, A. Apte, O. Dzyubak, G. Mageras, E. Yorke, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, S. Solomon, A. Kirov, Evaluation of the Tumor Registration Error in Biopsy Procedures Performed Under Real Time PET/CT Guidance, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, 2015
F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, M. Hatt, X. Dufour, G. Valette, G. Potard, L. Corcos, D. Visvikis18F-FDG PET image derived tumor features highlight altered pathways identified by trancriptomic analysis in head and neck cancer, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting - Science Council session, 2015
T. Carlier, C. Bailly, M. Hatt, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, D. Visvikis, S. Le Gouill, C. Bodet-MilinQuantification of intratumor heterogeneity derived from baseline FDG PET/CT in untreated mantle cell lymphoma patients enrolled in the Lyma trial: preliminary results, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
C. Bodet-Milin, C. Bailly, M. Meignan, A. Beriollo-Riedinger, A. Devillers, O. Hermine, T. Carlier, M. Hatt, F. Kraeber-Bodéré, S. Le GouillPrognosis value of quantitative indices derived from initial FDG PET/CT in untreated mantle cell lymphoma patients enrolled in the Lyma trial, a LYSA study. Preliminary results, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
M. Majdoub, C. Cheze Le Rest, P. Lambin, R. Larue, L. Quero, L. Vercellino, B.A.W. Hoeben, E.P. Visser, D. Visvikis, M. HattAssessing prognostic value of 18F-FDG PET derived functional shape features, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
H. Fayad, M. Hatt, D. VisvikisPET functional volume delineation using an Ant colony segmentation approach, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, B. Simon, S. Key, L. Corcos, D. VisvikisSignaling pathways alteration involved in head and neck cancer can be identified through textural features analysis in 18F-FDG PET, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, P. Lambin, R. Larue, L. Quero, L. Vercellino, A. Martineau, D. Groheux, C. Cheze-le-Rest, D. VisvikisPrognostic value of 18F-FDG PET image features in esophageal cancer: a multi-centric study, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
D. Groheux, A. Sanna, M. Majdoub, P. de Cremoux, S. Giacchetti, L. Teixeira, M. Espié, P. Merlet, , A. de Roquancourt, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, M. Resche-Rigon, Elif Hindié18FDG uptake and total lesion glycolysis measured at baseline and after 2 courses of neoadjuvant chemotherapy are powerful tools to predict relapse in patients with ER+/HER2- breast cancer, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
D. Groheux, M. Majdoub, F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, A. Martineau, P. Merlet, M. Espié, A. de Roquancourt, E. Hindié, M. Hatt, D. VisvikisDo histopathological primary tumor characteristics translate into different FDG uptake quantification features in stage II-III breast cancer?, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
M-C. Desseroit, M. Majdoub, F. Tixier, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze-Le Rest, M. HattQuantification of tumor heterogeneity using textural features analysis of PET and CT images provides complementary prognostic value in stage I-III NSCLC, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
M. Hatt, H. Hanzouli, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. VisvikisComparison of edge-preserving filters for unbiased quantification in 18F-FDG PET imaging, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2015
T. Upadhaya, Y. Morvan, E. Stindel, P-J. Le Reste, M. HattPrognosis in Glioblastoma Multiforme patients using textural features analysis of multimodal MRI sequences, IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro 2015
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, B. Simon, S. Key, L. Corcos, D. VisvikisCaractérisation de l’hétérogénéité intra-tumorale en TEP au 18FDG: reflet du transcriptome1ères Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire 2015
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, P. Lambin, R. Larue, L. Quero, L. Vercellino, A. Martineau, D. Groheux, C. Cheze-le-Rest, D. VisvikisValeur pronostique d'indices extraits d'images TEP au FDG dans les cancers de l'œsophage: une étude multicentrique1ères Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire 2015
M.C. Desseroit, F. Tixier, M. Majdoub, R. Guillevin, R. Perdrisot, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze-Le Rest, M. HattComplémentarité pronostique de l’hétérogénéité tumorale quantifiée sur les images 18FDG TEP et TDM de patients atteints de cancer du poumon non à petites cellules de stade I-III1ères Journées Francophones de Médecine Nucléaire 2015
J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue, D. Visvikis, M. HattSPEQTACLE: a Hilbertian norm generalization of the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm for tumor delineation in PET/CT imagesRecherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé 2015
T. Upadhaya, Y. Morvan, E. Stindel, P-J. Le Reste, M. HattA framework for multimodal imaging-based prognostic model building: application to multimodal MRI in Glioblastoma MultiformeRecherche en Imagerie et Technologies pour la Santé 2015, session jeunes chercheurs
B. Henriques, M. Antoine, R. Trouette, P. Lagarde, J. Benech, C. Zacharatou, M. Hatt, P. Fernandez, Use of FDG-PET to Guide Dose Prescription Heterogeneity in Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Lung Cancers With Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy: A Study of Feasibility, American Society for  Radiation Oncology annual meeting, 2014
LM. Fanchon, AP. Apte, S. Dogan, AL. Moreira, E. Yorke, CR. Schmidtlein, S. Carlin, M. Hatt, SB. Solomon, JO. Deasy, D. Visvikis, JL. Humm, AS. Kirov, Spatially Accurate Ground Truth for PET Segmentation Verification From Biopsy Specimens Extracted Under PET/CT Guidance, American Society for  Radiation Oncology annual meeting, 2014
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, F. Monnier, M. Majdoub, M-C. Desseroit, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Traitements et analyses d'images multimodales, France Life Imaging - Séminaire Imagerie TEP/IRM, 2014
J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Multi-Class Multimodal SPEQTACLE: a New Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm for Fully Automatic Delineation of Tumors in Multimodality Imaging, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2014
F. Monnier, H. Fayad, J. Bert, J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue, M. Hatt, P. Veit-Haibach, G. Delso, D. Visvikis, Generation of pseudo-CT from a single MRI for PET/MR attenuation correction purposes3rd PSMR Conference on PET/MR and SPECT/MR, 2014
P.Tremolières, G.Peyraga, P.Gustin, S.Yossi, M.Lafont, D.Rousseau, A.Paumier, Anne-Lise Septans, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Dans le cancer de l’œsophage localisé, quel est le meilleur facteur pronostique mesurable sur la TEP au 18-FDG pré-thérapeutique?, 25e Congrès national de la Société française de radiothérapie oncologique (SFRO) 2014
M.C. Desseroit, C. Cheze-Le Rest, F. Tixier, M. Majdoub, R. Guillevin, R. Perdrisot, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, Complementary Prognostic Value of CT and 18F-FDG PET Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Tumor Heterogeneity Features Quantified Trough Texture AnalysisAmerican Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting - Science Council session, 2014
J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue, D. Visvikis, M. HattSPEQTACLE: a new fuzzy clustering algorithm for fully automatic delineation of tumors in PET images, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2014
F. Renier, C.Habran, C. Bernard, F. Tixier, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, L. Seidel, F. Kridelka, R. Hustinx, Intensity, volume-based and texture analyses of FDG PET/CT for predicting the outcome of patients with locally advanced cervical cancer treated by concomitant radiochemotherapy, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2014
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, S. Chezeaud, L. Corcos, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, 18F-FDG PET derived quantitative heterogeneity features reflect gene expression profiles in head and neck cancer, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2014
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, M. Majdoub, C. Cheze-Le Rest, O. Pradier, R. Hustinx, D. Visvikis, Quantification of intra-tumor 18F-FDG PET tracer uptake heterogeneity through textural features analysis: which minimum functional tumor volume to consider?, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2014
S. Key, C. Cheze Le Rest, F. Tixier, S. Chezeaud, B. Simon, G. Potard, G. Valette, Y. Gobel, M. Hatt, L. Corcos, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, The role of FDG PET intra-tumor tracer uptake heterogeneity features in head and neck cancer treated by radio-chemotherapy, Strahlentherapie und onkologie, 2014
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, C. Valla, V. Fleury, C. Lamour, S. Ezzouhri, R. Perdrisot, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Evaluation visuelle contre évaluation quantitative de l’hétérogénéité intra-tumorale sur des images de Tomographie par Emission de Positon : quelle valeur pronostique dans les cancers pulmonaires non à petites cellules ? Journée jeunes chercheurs de l'Université de Brest, 2013
H. Hanzouli, J. Lapuyade-Lahorgue, E. Monfrini, G. Delso, W. Pieczynski, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, PET/CT image denoising and segmentation based on a multi observation and multi scale Markov tree model, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2013
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Valla, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Shape indices derived from baseline 18F-FDG PET images can predict response to concomitant radio-chemotherapy in esophageal cancer, European Association of Nuclear Medicine annual meeting, 2013
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. VisvikisPET Uptake Heterogeneity Quantification for Therapy Response in Oncology: Dependency on Image Pre-processing and Tumor Delineation, European Association of Nuclear Medicine annual meeting, 2013
D. Groheux, M. Hatt, E. Hindié, S. Giacchetti, P. de Cremoux, J. Lehmann-Che, A. Martineau, M. Marty, C. Cuvier, C. Cheze-le Rest, A. de  Roquancourt, D. Visvikis, M Espié, HER2-overexpressing breast cancer: Interim PET after two cycles of chemotherapy predicts the outcome of neoadjuvant treatment, European Association of Nuclear Medicine annual meeting, 2013
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. VisvikisCaractérisation de l'hétérogénéité intra tumorale en imagerie TEP pour la prédiction de la réponse thérapeutique : impact de la méthode de segmentation et de la correction des effets de volumes partiels24ème colloque GRETSI 2013
M. Hatt, P. Kinahan, P. LambinMulti modal PET/CT imaging for therapy response early prediction and therapy monitoring, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, continuous education session, 2013
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. VisvikisImpact of Delineation and Partial Volume Effects Correction On PET Uptake Heterogeneity Quantification Through Textural Features Analysis for Therapy Response in Oncology, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, 2013
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. VisvikisFunctional Tumor Shape Characterization On Baseline 18F-FDG PET Images Predicts Response to Concomitant Radio-Chemotherapy in Esophageal Cancer, American Association of Physicists in Medicine annual meeting, 2013
EGC. Troost, BAW. Hoeben, AIJ. Arens; JA. Lee; V. Grégoire; M. Hatt, D. Visvikis; EP. Visser; WJG. Oyen; JHAM. Kaanders18FLT-PET for early treatment adaptation and outcome prediction in head and neck tumors, Acta Oncologica Symposium on Biology-Guided Adaptive Radiotherapy, 2013
M. Hatt, D. Groheux, A. Martineau, M. Espié, E. Hindié, S. Giacchetti, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze-Le Rest18F-FDG PET image-derived tumor characterization to improve prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced breast cancer, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2013
M. Majdoub, D. Visvikis, F. Tixier, B. Hoeben, E. Visser, C. Cheze-Le Rest, M. Hatt, Proliferative 18F-FLT PET tumor volumes characterization for prediction of locoregional recurrence and disease-free survival in head and neck cancer, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2013
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, T-C. Yen, L. Corcos, D. Visvikis, 18F-FDG intra tumor uptake heterogeneity quantification from baseline PET images are prognostic factors of disease free survival and predict local recurrence in  head and neck cancer, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2013
D. Groheux, M. Hatt, A. Martineau, D. Visvikis, S. Giacchetti, P. de Cremoux, J. Lehmann-Che Pharm, M. Espié, C. Cheze Le Rest, E. HindiéEarly prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in luminal breast cancer using total lesion glycolysis measured on 18F-FDG PET images: a prospective validation study, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2013
C. Valla, F. Tixier, M. Hatt, R. Perdrisot, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Qualitative versus quantitative assessment of intra-tumor FDG heterogeneity for assessing patient outcome in NSCLC, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2013
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, R. van Stiphout, G. Lammering, P. Lambin, D. Visvikis, Predictive value of tumor uptake heterogeneity spatial patterns in sequential 18F-FDG PET for rectal cancer radio-chemotherapy response monitoring, Society of nuclear medicine and molecular imaging annual meeting, 2013
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, H. Hanzouli, M. Majdoub, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, PET image analysis for response to therapy prediction in oncology, European Molecular Imaging Meeting 2013
M. Hatt, D. Groheux, A. Martineau, M. Espié, E. Hindié, S. Giacchetti, A. de Roquancourt, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze-Le Rest, Caractérisation de tumeur à partir d'images TEP au 18F-FDG pour améliorer la prédiction de la réponse à la chimiothérapie néoadjuvante du cancer du sein, 51ème Colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Française 2013
D. Groheux, M. Hatt, E. Hindié, S. Giacchetti, P. de Cremoux, J. Lehmann-Che, A. Martineau, M. Marty, C. Cuvier, C. Cheze-le Rest, A. de  Roquancourt, D. Visvikis, M Espié, Prédiction de la réponse à la chimiothérapie néoadjuvante du cancer du sein de phénotype luminal : apport du volume glycolytique total, 51ème Colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Française 2013
C. Valla, F. Tixier, V. Fleury, M. Hatt, R. Perdrisot, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze-Le Rest, Comparaison de l'évaluation quantitative et qualitative de l'hétérogénéité de fixation intratumorale du FDG dans les cancers du poumon, 51ème Colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Française 2013
B. De-Figueiredo, F. Lamare, T. Merlin, R. Trouette, M. Hatt, P. Fernandez, Utilisation de la tomographie par émission de positons (TEP) au [18f]-fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) 4D pour la radiothérapie des cancers pulmonaires, 51ème Colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Française 2013
B. Henriques-De-Figueiredo, T. Merlin, H. De-Clermont-Gallerande, M. Hatt, D. Vimont, P. Fernandez, F. LamareUtilisation de la tomographie par émission de positons (TEP) au [18F]-fluoromisonidazole (FMISO) pour la radiothérapie des cancers de la tête et du cou, 51ème Colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Française 2013
M. Hatt, D. Groheux, A. Martineau, M. Espié, E. Hindié, S. Giacchetti, A. de Roquancourt, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze-Le RestImproving the accuracy of 18F-FDG PET for early prediction of response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer, Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium 2013
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, L. Corcos, D. VisvikisIntratumor heterogeneity characterization in 18F-FDG PET images predicts overall survival and recurrence in head and neck cancer, Nuclear Technologies for Health Symposium 2013
M. Hatt, F. Tixier, C. Cheze Le Rest, R. van Stiphout, G. Lammering, P. Lambin, D. VisvikisPredictive value of tumor uptake heterogeneity spatial patterns in sequential 18F-FDG PET for rectal cancer radio-chemotherapy response monitoring, Journées scientifiques Nouvelles méthodologies en imagerie du vivant 2012
F. Tixier, C. Cheze-Le-Rest, M Hatt, T-C. Yen, L. Corcos, D. VisviskisIntratumor heterogeneity characterization in 18F-FDG PET images predicts overall survival and recurrence in head and neck cancerJournées scientifiques Nouvelles méthodologies en imagerie du vivant 2012
H. Hanzouli, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, Analyse multi échelle et multi observation pour l’imagerie multi modale en oncologie, Journées scientifiques Nouvelles méthodologies en imagerie du vivant 2012
T. Shepherd, B. Berthon, P. Galavis, E. Spezi, A. Apte, J. Lee, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, E. de Bernardi, S. Das, I. El Naqa, U. Nestle, C. Schmidtlein, H. Zaidi, A. Kirov,  Design of a Benchmark Platform for Evaluating PET-based Contouring Accuracy in Oncology ApplicationsEuropean  association for nuclear medicine annual meeting 2012.
H. Hanzouli, A. Le Pogam, D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, A multi resolution and multi observation framework for multi modal medical images processing and analysis, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2012.
A. Le Pogam, M. Hatt, F. Lamare, P. Fernandez, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, MRI data driven partial volume effects correction in PET imaging using 3D local multi resolution analysis, PET/MR and SPECT/MR: New paradigms for Combined Modalities in Molecular Imaging, 2012
M. Hatt, R. van Stiphout, A. Le Pogam, G. Lammering, D. Visvikis, P. Lambin, 18F-FDG PET derived indices and impact of partial volume effects correction for prediction of pathological response of locally advanced rectal cancer tumor, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2012
F. Tixier, E. Visser, M. Hatt, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Comparison of tumor volumes and heterogeneity parameters derived from MRGlu maps and static SUV images in 18F-FDG PET, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2012
F. Tixier, A. Groves, M. Hatt, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Correlation of intratumor 18F-FDG heterogeneity uptake with perfusion CT derived parameters, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2012
A. Le Pogam, F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Novel voxel-wise textural feature analysis for intra-tumor heterogeneity characterization in PET imaging, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2012
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, La définition précise des volumes métaboliques sur TEP au 18F-FDG avant traitement permet la prédiction de la réponse à la chimio radiothérapie dans les cancers de l'œsophage, 22ème congrès de la SFRO, 2011
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Impact of Tumor Size and 18F-FDG Tracer Uptake Heterogeneity in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Tumor Automatic Delineation On PET and CT Images for Gross Tumor Volumes Determination, 53rd Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, 2011
M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, Tumor Metabolic Dimension Measurements On 18F-FDG PET Pre Treatment Image Predicts Response to Exclusive Concomitant Radiochemotherapy in Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer, 53rd Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, 2011
M. Hatt, A. Le Pogam, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, Predictive and Prognostic Clinical Values of 18F-FDG PET Based Measurements in Locally Advanced Esophageal Cancer Are Not Improved by Partial Volume Effects Correction, 53rd Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, 2011
S. David, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, Multi Observation PET Image Fusion for Patient Follow-Up Quantitation in Oncology, 53rd Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, 2011
A. Lemaitre, D. Wallach, M. Hatt, S. Edel, N. Boussion, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Impact of 4D PET and Motion Correction in the Delineation of Gross Tumor Volume for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning in Lung Cancer, 53rd Joint AAPM/COMP Meeting, 2011
M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, Total lesion glycolysis measured on 18F-FDG PET baseline scan predicts radiochemotherapy response in locally advanced esophageal cancer, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2011
T. Wentz, H. Fayad, J-F. Clément, J. Savean, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, Extraction and evaluation of anatomical patient surface and associated respiratory motion with a Time-of-Flight (ToF) camera, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2011
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Reproducibility of textural feature measurements extracted from 18F-FDG PET images for tumor heterogeneity characterization, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2011
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Quantification of the intra-tumor heterogeneity on baseline 18F-FDG PET images characterized by textural features, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2011
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Intra-tumor heterogeneity on baseline 18F-FDG PET images characterized by textural features predicts response to concomitant radio-chemotherapy in esophageal cancer, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2011
N. Withofs, C. Bernard, C. van der Rest, P. Martinive, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, P. Coucke, R. Hustinx, FDG PET/CT for radiotherapy treatment planning. Comparison of functional volume delineation algorithms, Society of nuclear medicine annual meeting, 2011
A. Le Maitre, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Impact of functional contrast on non-uniform radiotherapy dose prescriptions, 11th Biennial ESTRO on Physics & Radiation Technology For Clinical Radiotherapy, 2011
F. Tixier, M. Hatt, O. Pradier, L. Corcos, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Intra-tumor heterogeneity on baseline 18F-FDG PET images characterized by textural features predicts response to concomitant radio-chemotherapy in esophageal cancer, 49ème Colloque de Médecine Nucléaire de Langue Française (SFMN), 2011.
L. Ghouti, M. Hatt, F. Courbon, J. Selves, M. Poirot, R. Guimbaud, B. Pradère, Optimisation des méthodes d'évaluation des volumes tumoraux en TEP 18FDG et IRM. Corrélation à l'histo-imagerie quantitative. Application aux cancers du rectum post-radiochimiothérapie, Journées francophones d’hépato-gastroentérologie et d’oncologie digestive, 2011
A. Le Maitre, M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Adapting Dose Prescription to Tumour Heterogeneities: Influence of the Functional Contrast, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2010
S. David, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, P. Fernandez, M. Allard, O. Barrett, D. Visvikis, A Multi-Observation Fusion Approach for Patient Follow-up Using PET/CT, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference 2010.
M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, M. N. Albarghach, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, Valeur prédictive et pronostique du volume fonctionnel des lésions en 18F-FDG TEP dans le cancer de l’œsophage, 5e Journées du Cancéropôle Grand Ouest, 2010.
M. Hatt, M. N. Albarghach, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Prognostic value of Total Glycolytic Volume in esophagus cancer: impact of automatic tumor volume delineation on 18F-FDG PET images, Imaging for treatment assessment in radiation therapy, 2010.
A. Le Maître, M. Hatt, M. N. Albarghach, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, M. Bal, D. Visvikis, Dosimetry impact of accurate PET segmentation for radiotherapy treatment planning, Imaging for treatment assessment in radiation therapy, 2010.
A. Le Maître, M. Hatt, M. N. Albarghach, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Impact of the accuracy of tumor functional volume delineation on radiotherapy treatment planning, Molecular Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2010
M. Hatt, M. N. Albarghach, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, Automatic 18F-FDG PET tumor volume delineation and prognostic value of Total Glycolytic Volume in esophagus cancer, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2010:51(S2):110
M. Hatt, M. N. Albarghach, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Valeur prognostique du volume tumoral actif en 18F-FDG pour le cancer de l’œsophage et influence de la méthodologie de contourage de la tumeur, 48ème colloque de médecine nucléaire de langue française, 2010.
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Robustness and reproducibility of PET functional volumes automated delineation: comparison of various approaches, Molecular Imaging in Radiation Oncology, 2010
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Is accurate and reproducible biological target volumes delineation in PET images for radiotherapy planning feasible?, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine – uses of PET in radiotherapy, 2010.
M. Lei, J. Crawshaw, J. Scuffham, D. Rickard, M. Hatt, J. Hall, J. Sellinger, T. Jordan, S. Whitaker, D. Visvikis, A. Nisbet, T. Guerrero Urbano, Biological gross tumour volume definition in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) radiotherapy planning: Comparison of automated segmentation tools, Institute of Physics and Engineering in Medicine – uses of PET in radiotherapy, 2010.
S. David, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, P. Fernandez, M. Allard, O. Barrett, D. Visvikis, Multi-Tracer PET Image Fusion Using Fuzzy Logic: a Feasibility Study, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC), 2009.
M. Hatt, C. Collet, F. Salzenstein, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, From nebulae segmentation in astronomical imaging to tumor delineation in 18F-FDG PET imaging: how can one serve the other?, AstroMed09: The Inaugural Sydney International Workshop on Synergies in Astronomy and Medicine, 2009.
S. David, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, Multi-tracer image fusion for patients using multi-observation statistical image fusion framework: a feasibility study, AstroMed09: The Inaugural Sydney International Workshop on Synergies in Astronomy and Medicine, 2009.
M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, Définition automatique des volumes biologiques cibles pour les applications de radiothérapie, Cancer / Radiothérapie 2009;13(6-7):640-641.
N. Albarghach, M. Hatt, D. Cornec, S. Querellou, C. Berthou, Y. Renaudineau, D. Visvikis, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, Intérêt de la TEP au FDG dans les lymphomes folliculaires, Congrès National de la Société Française de Radiothérapie Oncologique (SFRO), 2009.
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Accuracy and robustness study of a new automatic tumour delineation method in positron emission tomography for patients’ follow up and therapy response assessment, New trends in molecular imaging and nuclear medicine – young investigators award, 2009.
A. Le Pogam, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, L. Livieratos, A.M. Alessio, C. Cheze Le Rest and D. Visvikis, Comparison of voxel-wise partial volume correction approaches for emission tomography, New trends in molecular imaging and nuclear medicine – young investigators award, 2009.
M. Hatt, A. Dekker, D. De Ruysscher, M. Oellers, P. Lambin, C. Roux, C. Cheze le Rest, Une nouvelle méthode pour la détermination automatique des volumes fonctionnels en oncologie : premiers résultats cliniques, 47ème colloque de médecine nucléaire de langue française, 2009.
D. Visvikis, M. Hatt, O. Pradier, N. Albarjhach, C. Cheze Le Rest, Use of an automatic tumour delineation algorithm for therapy response assessment with PET, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2009.
M. Hatt, A. Turzo, P. Bailly, I. Murray, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Automatic delineation of functional volumes in PET: a robustness study, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2009:50(S2):1429.
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Automatic PET tumour delineation for patient’s follow-up and therapy assessment, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2009:50(S2):182.
A. Le Pogam, P. Descourt, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, D. Visvikis, A combined 3-D wavelet and curvelet approach for edge preserving denoising in emission tomography, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2009;50(S2):533.
A. Le Maitre, W.P. Segars, A. Reilhac, M. Hatt, S. Tomei, C. Lartizien, D. Visvikis, Incorporating patient specific variability in a database of realistic simulated whole body 18F-FDG distributions for oncology applications, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2009;50(S2):1488
M. Hatt, A. Dekker, D. De Ruysscher, M. Oellers, P. Lambin, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Olivier Pradier, Accurate and robust functional volume definition in PET for radiotherapy treatment planning, DEGRO 2009,  2009.
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, A. Dekker, D. De Ruysscher, M. Oellers, P. Lambin, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Une nouvelle méthode automatique de détermination des volumes fonctionnels pour l’oncologie, Journées de Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies de la santé (RITS), 2009.
A. Le Pogam, N. Boussion, M. Hatt, C. Prunier-Aesch, D. Guilloteau, J-L. Baulieu, D. Visvikis, Transformées en Ridgelet/Curvelet discrètes 3-D pour le débruitage en Tomographie d’Emission, Journées de Recherche en Imagerie et Technologies de la santé (RITS), 2009.
M. Hatt, P. Bailly, A Turzo, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, PET functional volume segmentation: a robustness study, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference records 2008:4335-4339.
M. Hatt, A. Dekker, D. De Ruysscher, M. Oellers, P. Lambin, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Accurate functional volume definition in PET for radiotherapy treatment planning, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference records 2008:5567-5571
A. Le Pogam, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, F. Turkheimer, C. Prunier-Aesch, D. Guilloteau, J.-L. Baulieu, D. Visvikis, A wavelet-based hidden Markov model and multi-resolution approach for conditional partial volume correction in emission tomography, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference records 2008:1-5.
A. Le Pogam, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, D. Guilloteau, J-L. Beaulieu, C. Prunier, F. Turkheimer, D. Visvikis, A 3D multi resolution local analysis approach for correction of partial volume effects in emission tomography, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference records 2008:5300-5303.
A. Le Pogam, N. Boussion, M. Hatt, C. Prunier-Aesch, D. Guilloteau, J.-L. Baulieu, D. Visvikis, 3D discrete ridgelet transform for emission tomography denoising, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference records 2008:5557-5561.
M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, N. Boussion, O. Pradier, Segmentation automatique d'images fonctionnelles TEP pour l'aide à la planification de traitement en radiothérapie, 47e journées scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale (SFPM), 2008
N. Boussion, M. Hatt, D. Wallach, O. Pradier, D. Visvikis, Quantification en TEP oncologique : les dernières avancées en traitement d'images et leur impact potentiel sur la planification de traitement en radiothérapie, 47e journées scientifiques de la Société Française de Physique Médicale (SFPM), 2008.
M. Hatt, N. Boussion, C. Roux, O. Pradier, C. Cheze Le Rest, D. Visvikis, An automatic segmentation algorithm for accurate functional volume determination in radiotherapy treatment planning, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2008.
M. Hatt, N. Boussion, O. Pradier, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Automatic Segmentation of Functional Images for Radiotherapy Treatment Planning, International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2008;72(1):S682.
M. Hatt, C. Cheze Le Rest, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Automatic volume delineation of heterogeneous tumours in PET: comparison of various methodologies, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2008;49(S1):381
N. Boussion, C. Cheze-Le Rest, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, Evaluation of resolution and quantitation preserving wavelet-based denoising in wholebody PET, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2008;49(S1):395
N. Boussion, M. Hatt, D. Visvikis, Partial volume correction in PET based on functional volumes, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2008;49(S1):388.
A. Le Pogam, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, D. Guilloteau, J-L. Beaulieu, C. Prunier, F. Turkheimer, D. Visvikis, Conditional voxel-wise partial volume correction for emission tomography: combining a wavelet-based hidden Markov model with a mutual multi-resolution analysis approach, Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2008;49(S1):62
A. Le Pogam, M. Hatt, N. Boussion, D. Guilloteau, J-L. Beaulieu, C. Prunier, F. Turkheimer, D. Visvikis, Conditional partial volume correction for emission tomography: a wavelet-based hidden Markov model and multi-resolution approach, 5th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging conference records 2008:1319-1322
M. Hatt, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, A Segmentation Algorithm for Heterogeneous Tumor Delineation in PET, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference records 2007;5:3939-3945.
N. Boussion, M. Hatt, A. Reilhac, D. Visvikis, Fully automated partial volume attenuation in PET: a wavelet approach without anatomical information, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC) conference records 2007;4:2812-2816
M. Hatt, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Evaluation de méthodes de segmentation bayésiennes pour l’imagerie TEP en oncologie, GRETSI, Groupe d’Etudes du Traitement du Signal et des Images, 2007.
M. Hatt, N. Boussion, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, Evaluation de méthodes de segmentation statistiques pour l’imagerie TEP en oncologie, Journée de Recherche en Imagerie Médicale (JRIM), 2007.
N. Boussion, M. Hatt, F. Lamare, D. Visvikis, Correction des effets de volume partiel en TEP sans a priori anatomique : déconvolution et filtrage à base d’ondelettes, Journée de Recherche en Imagerie Médicale (JRIM), 2007.
M. Hatt, C. Roux, D. Visvikis, 3D Fuzzy Adaptive Unsupervised Bayesian Segmentation for Volume Determination in PET, 4th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro conference records 2007:328-331.
M. Hatt, C. Cheze-Le Rest, A. Turzo, F. Lamare, K. Carson, P. Jarritt, D. Visvikis, An automatic segmentation algorithm for functional volume and activity concentration determination in PET, Annual Congress of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine, 2006.
M. Hatt, N. Boussion, F. Lamare, C. Collet, F. Salzenstein, C. Roux, Y. Bizais, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Fuzzy versus Hard Hidden Markov Chains Segmentation for Volume Determination and Quantitation in Noisy PET Images, 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging: From Nano to Macro conference records 2006:1376-1379.
M. Hatt, N. Boussion, K. Karson, P. Jarritt, F. Lamare, Y. Bizais, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Comparison of different methodologies for lesion volume determination in PET, Nuclear Medicine Communications 2006 27(3):283-284.
A. Oberto, M. Wenger, J.-P. Lejal, S. Jaehn, B. Baranne, M. Hatt, O. Dellicour, J. Deprez. SIMBAD 4: a new Release with new Possibilities, Astronomical Data Analysis Software and Systems XV ASP Conference Series, Astronomical Society of the Pacific 2006;351:703-706.
N. Boussion, M. Hatt, F. Lamare, Y. Bizais, A. Turzo, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, Generating resolution-enhanced images for correction of partial volume effects in emission tomography: a multiresolution approach, IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS-MIC) Conference Records 2005;4:2423-2427.
N. Boussion, M. Hatt, F. Lamare, A. Turzo, Y. Bizais, C. Cheze-Le Rest, D. Visvikis, A multiresolution approach in partial volume correction for emission tomography imaging, European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2005;32(S1):S51.